Commit 3b8a5228 authored by Claudio Valerio's avatar Claudio Valerio

fixed build issue on windows

parent c39f5213
......@@ -91,12 +91,14 @@ int UBWidgetList::scaleWidgets(QSize pSize)
newWidgetWidth = mWidgetInfo[eachWidget].width()/scaleFactor;
result += newWidgetWidth;
#ifndef Q_WS_WIN
qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << "widget " << &eachWidget;
qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << "count " << count++;
qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << "widget orignal size " << mWidgetInfo[eachWidget];
qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << "containes size " << pSize;
qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << "scale factor " << scaleFactor;
qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << "new height " << result;
return result;
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