Commit 2fb1db5a authored by Ilia Ryabokon's avatar Ilia Ryabokon

Sankore css text color fix

parent 6f6c3e78
color: #3F3F3F;
background-color: #F1F1F1;
......@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ const QString UBFeaturesController::virtualRootName = "root";
UBFeature::UBFeature(const QString &url, const QPixmap &icon, const QString &name, const QUrl &realPath, UBFeatureElementType type)
: virtualDir(url), mThumbnail(icon), mName(name), mPath(realPath), elementType(type)
......@@ -43,8 +42,7 @@ QString UBFeature::getUrl() const
if ( elementType == FEATURE_INTERNAL )
return getFullPath().toString();
/*if ( UBApplication::isFromWeb( getFullPath() ) )
return QUrl( getFullPath() );*/
return getFullPath().toLocalFile();
......@@ -185,28 +183,6 @@ void UBFeaturesController::scanFS()
fileSystemScan( mLibInteractiveDirectoryPath, interactPath);
fileSystemScan( trashDirectoryPath, trashPath);
fileSystemScan( mLibSearchDirectoryPath, rootPath + "/" + "Web search");
// // Claudio:
// // don't change the order of the scans
// fileSystemScan( mLibAudiosDirectoryPath, audiosPath);
// fileSystemScan( mLibVideosDirectoryPath, moviesPath);
// fileSystemScan( mLibAnimationsDirectoryPath, flashPath);
// fileSystemScan( mLibPicturesDirectoryPath, picturesPath );
// fileSystemScan( mUserInteractiveDirectoryPath, appPath );
// fileSystemScan( mUserAudioDirectoryPath, audiosPath );
// fileSystemScan( mUserPicturesDirectoryPath, picturesPath );
// fileSystemScan( mUserVideoDirectoryPath, moviesPath );
// fileSystemScan( mUserAnimationDirectoryPath, flashPath );
// fileSystemScan( mLibApplicationsDirectoryPath, appPath );
// fileSystemScan( mLibShapesDirectoryPath, shapesPath );
// fileSystemScan( mLibInteractiveDirectoryPath, interactPath );
// fileSystemScan( trashDirectoryPath, trashPath );
// fileSystemScan( mLibSearchDirectoryPath, rootPath + "/" + "Web search" );
//>>>>>>> e38b24544e8b8b1d5bd41dabdeaf588df7d45185
void UBFeaturesController::fileSystemScan(const QUrl & currentPath, const QString & currVirtualPath)
......@@ -287,11 +263,6 @@ void UBFeaturesController::loadFavoriteList()
QUrl path;
in >> path;
/*QFileInfo fileInfo( path );
QString fileName = fileInfo.fileName();
UBFeature elem( favoritePath, thumbnailForFile( path ), fileName, path, fileTypeFromUrl(path) );
featuresList->append( elem );*/
favoriteSet->insert( path );
......@@ -55,8 +55,6 @@ public:
void setFullVirtualPath(const QString &newVirtualPath) {virtualDir = newVirtualPath;}
UBFeatureElementType getType() const { return elementType; }
bool isFolder() const;
bool isDeletable() const;
bool inTrash() const;
......@@ -507,32 +507,6 @@ UBFeaturesListView::UBFeaturesListView( QWidget* parent, const char* name )
void UBFeaturesListView::mousePressEvent( QMouseEvent *event )
rubberOrigin = event->pos();
rubberBand->setGeometry( QRect( rubberOrigin, QSize() ) );
//qDebug() << rubberOrigin.x() << rubberOrigin.y();
void UBFeaturesListView::mouseMoveEvent( QMouseEvent *event )
QPoint current = event->pos();
rubberBand->setGeometry( QRect( rubberOrigin, current ).normalized() );
//setSelection( rubberBand->rect(), QItemSelectionModel::Select );
void UBFeaturesListView::mouseReleaseEvent( QMouseEvent *event )
void UBFeaturesListView::dragEnterEvent( QDragEnterEvent *event )
if ( event->mimeData()->hasUrls() || event->mimeData()->hasImage() )
......@@ -580,9 +554,7 @@ UBFeaturesNavigatorWidget::UBFeaturesNavigatorWidget(QWidget *parent, const char
QWidget(parent), mListView(0), mListSlder(0)
// if ('\0' == name) {
name = "UBFeaturesNavigatorWidget";
// }
......@@ -719,7 +691,6 @@ UBFeatureProperties::UBFeatureProperties( QWidget *parent, const char *name ) :
// Create the GUI
mpLayout = new QVBoxLayout(this);
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